Cables #
Our scoring system is taking advantage of a wired ethernet network which is much more stable and secure than wireless networks. However, as the name implies, the quality of the wires plays a vital role. Using Shielded CAT5e or CAT6 is highly recommended.
Please make sure that all cables are terminated correctly and the shield part is grounded.
RJ45 Connector and wires color #
We recommend you to use a high-quality RJ45 connector and follow the T568B standard Wires color like the below picture.
Using a high-quality RJ45 with a metal shield is highly recommended.
Switches #
All network switches should be Layer 2, Gigabit, 100/1000, and high-quality. To increase system reliability using a separate switch for each pair of lanes is recommended, so each pair or lane should have a 5 to 8 ports network switch.
All lanes switches can be connected to a main switch to make the front-desk computer able to communicate to all, The number of ports on this switch is depend on the number of lanes the center have. However, multiple switch can be used but it is not recommended.
Using network HUB is not recommended as they are a node that broadcasts data to every computer or Ethernet-based device connected to it. A hub is less sophisticated than a switch and it decreases the network performance.
Network Structure #
In the following picture, you can see the network structure of all devices as part of our scoring system.
• As you can see, Each pair of lanes can have a Camera (we also support a separate camera per lane).
• Each lane has its own scoring computer that increases system reliability.
• For pinsetters that do not need any camera like Brunswick GS-98 or GS-X, no camera needs to be installed and the scoring system will get scores from pinsetters directly thanks to our Control Box.
• Centers that wish not to have any bowler console like the above picture, Can install a scoring computer right behind the overhead monitor.